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Recent events in the last few years have highlighted the need for virtual conferences where professionals can still engage with each other or network with their colleagues despite the absence of face-to-face interactions.

When in-person conferences are not possible, meeting remotely is an excellent alternative as they provide an innovative and convenient platform for networking, learning, and professional development.

With the advent of advanced technology, attending conferences no longer requires physical presence. Sure, we all miss the “human aspect” that an in-person event can provide. However, online events are just as beneficial as traditional ones in many respects. Moreover, some perks are specific to the virtual setting. In this blog, we’ll discuss what virtual events are, the different kinds and the top benefits of virtual events.

What is a virtual event?

As the name suggests, virtual events are meetings or any kind of gathering held in a virtual environment. They are interactive sessions in which participants engage in real-time dialogue using digital communication tools. They enable people to connect and work together remotely, no matter where they are physically located. Through audio calls, video conferencing, and shared computers, they make it easy and convenient for people to communicate with each other.

Choosing the right tools to boost engagement and productivity is often what makes virtual events really useful and valuable to all participants. Web conferencing software, chat functions, and collaborative tools are examples that all event organizers must maximise. Even though these meetings span geographical boundaries, they work best when everyone has a reliable Internet connection, communicates clearly, and follows proper meeting etiquette.

What are the kinds of virtual events?

What are the kinds of virtual events?Virtual events have transformed how people communicate and collaborate, offering more efficient alternatives to traditional in-person events. There are four basic kinds of virtual events, each responding to a distinct set of requirements:

Video conferencing

Video conferencing allows for real-time audio and video communication between several participants in different geographical locations. Webcams, microphones, and internet-connected gadgets are often used. With video conferencing, everyone can see and hear each other, making meetings much more engaging than their audio-only conferencing.

Web conferencing

Web conferencing entails a variety of online communication and collaboration tools. It makes use of features such as screen sharing, document sharing, chat tools, and virtual whiteboards to allow users to conduct real-time presentations and discussions.


Webinars, also known as web seminars, are virtual meetings that take place over the Internet, typically in a one-to-many format. A presenter or a panel of speakers delivers a presentation, lecture, or workshop to a group of attendees. Webinars frequently feature interactive aspects such as Q&A sessions or polls, which allow users to interact with the topic as well as the presenter.


Teleconferencing, often known as audio conferencing, is a method of linking numerous participants by telephone or VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). While it lacks the visual components of video conferencing, teleconferencing is nevertheless a cost-effective technique to facilitate talks, particularly when face-to-face interactions are not required or feasible.

Each type of virtual event has its own unique advantages for efficient virtual interactions. Organisations can choose the best format for their specific communication needs by understanding the pros and cons of each kind.

Benefits of Virtual Events

Benefits of Virtual Events

Global Accessibility

One of the primary advantages of virtual conferences is their global accessibility and inclusivity. Unlike traditional in-person events that often require extensive travel, online events allow participants from around the world to attend without the constraints of geographical limitations. This feature not only expands the reach of the conference but also fosters a more diverse and inclusive environment for attendees.

Professionals from different continents, time zones, and socioeconomic backgrounds can access the same valuable information and networking opportunities, promoting a truly global exchange of ideas and perspectives.


Virtual conferences enable individuals with physical disabilities or limitations to participate fully, eliminating the barriers they might face at in-person events. By providing closed captioning, screen reader compatibility, and other accessibility features, online events ensure that all attendees can engage with the content and discussions equally, fostering a more equitable and inclusive environment for learning and collaboration.


Attending a virtual conference significantly reduces the financial and time-related burdens typically associated with traditional conferences. With virtual attendance, participants save on expenses related to travel, accommodation, and meals, making it a more cost-effective option, especially for those with limited budgets or organisations aiming to optimise their spending.

Additionally, the elimination of travel time allows attendees to allocate more time to their professional commitments or personal obligations, enhancing overall productivity and work-life balance.

Time Efficiency

Online events often offer flexible scheduling, allowing participants to access recorded sessions at their convenience. This flexibility enables individuals to customise their learning experience and prioritise specific sessions or topics that align with their interests and professional development goals. As a result, virtual conferences offer a more efficient and personalised approach to knowledge acquisition, accommodating diverse schedules and preferences without compromising the quality of the learning experience.

Enhanced Networking Opportunities

Contrary to conventional beliefs, virtual events provide extensive networking opportunities that are often more efficient and diverse than those offered at in-person events. Through virtual platforms, attendees can engage in real-time chats, participate in group discussions, and join interactive sessions, fostering meaningful connections with professionals from various backgrounds and industries.

Virtual conferences also facilitate the creation of online communities and forums where participants can exchange ideas, seek mentorship, and establish long-lasting professional relationships beyond the duration of the event.

Better Time Management for Interactions

In contrast to traditional events, virtual conferences also offer a distinct advantage by alleviating the time constraints typically associated with in-person conferences. At traditional events, the hustle and bustle between sessions can create a time crunch, making it challenging to connect with all the individuals you’d like to meet.

Moreover, the physical logistics of navigating through crowded venues, locating specific people, and coordinating schedules can be overwhelming and, at times, counterproductive.

Virtual conferences eliminate this time pressure, providing attendees with the flexibility to manage their interactions more efficiently. In the online space, you can navigate between breakout rooms, virtual booths and networking platforms seamlessly without the need to physically move from one location to another.

This streamlined accessibility ensures that you have ample time to engage in meaningful conversations, build connections, and explore potential collaborations without the constraints imposed by the logistical challenges of physical events.

Diverse Learning Formats and Resources

Virtual conferences offer a diverse range of learning formats and resources that cater to various learning styles and preferences. Through live webinars, interactive workshops, pre-recorded presentations, and virtual exhibitions, attendees can access a wealth of educational content and resources tailored to their specific interests and professional development needs.

Virtual conferences often feature renowned speakers, industry experts, and thought leaders who deliver insightful presentations and facilitate engaging discussions on emerging trends, best practices, and innovative solutions within their respective fields.

Additionally, virtual conference platforms may incorporate interactive tools, such as virtual reality simulations, augmented reality experiences, and gamified learning activities, to enhance participant engagement and facilitate immersive learning experiences.

These interactive elements not only make the learning process more dynamic and engaging but also enable attendees to gain practical skills and valuable insights that can be applied directly to their professional endeavours, fostering continuous learning and skill development.

Sustainability and Environmental Impact

In the era of heightened environmental consciousness, virtual conferences play a pivotal role in promoting sustainability and reducing the carbon footprint associated with traditional conferences. By eliminating the need for extensive travel and minimising paper waste generated by printed materials, virtual conferences contribute to the conservation of natural resources and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, aligning with global efforts to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change.

The adoption of virtual conference platforms not only demonstrates a commitment to environmental responsibility but also encourages the adoption of eco-friendly practices within the professional community.

Furthermore, the sustainability initiatives implemented by virtual conference organisers, such as carbon offset programs and virtual swag bags, promote eco-conscious behaviour among attendees and encourage the adoption of sustainable practices beyond the conference setting.

By raising awareness of environmental issues and promoting responsible consumption, virtual conferences serve as a catalyst for fostering a culture of sustainability and corporate social responsibility within the professional landscape, inspiring individuals and organisations to prioritise sustainable practices in their daily operations and decision-making processes.

Need a reliable virtual conference provider for your virtual events?

Need a reliable virtual conference provider for your virtual events?Virtual events offer several considerable benefits that have transformed the landscape of professional development and networking. With their advantages, virtual conferences have revolutionised the way individuals engage with industry experts, peers, and cutting-edge knowledge within their respective fields.

By leveraging advanced technology and innovative solutions, virtual conferences continue to empower professionals worldwide, fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment that encourages continuous learning, networking, and sustainable practices.

For these reasons and more, we are happy to provide a virtual event platform and assist in facilitating online events for global brands and industry experts to network, share knowledge, and debate the latest developments.

Chorus Call offers new technologies that are bridging the gap between physical and virtual events. Our cutting-edge solutions are designed to enhance the virtual conferencing experience, ensuring seamless connectivity and maximising engagement.

Whether you are hosting a large-scale industry conference, a targeted networking session, or even hybrid events, we are experienced event planners equipped to deliver a comprehensive suite of features to meet your specific needs for your future events.

Contact us at or +61 7 3036 8188 to learn more about our services.